Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sad News

Stardate 64537.4

Supreme Commander

Lunar Underground Royal Klandestine Espionage and Research Forces


It is my sad duty to report the demise of Sub-Sergeant Amnos 2717. Here are the details.

Our intelligence office felt that due to the lack of information from the Lola unit, we need to conduct our own research in Earth affairs. We therefore decided to plan our approach as per usual. Our ship entered the atmosphere at the cosmic light junction known to the local inhabitants as the Aurora Borealis. The field produced by this effect shields our ship from detection by the crude defense abilities of these creatures.

Our destination was a small City-State located in the larger City-State known as American. The specific destination was a small building in the City-State know as New Mexico. We landed nearby and walked to the building named “Bob’s.”

Our intelligence office found information regarding a club meeting in this building. A club is an Earth social gathering. These gatherings generally look for new members to continue in their ranks.

This club consisted of members who drove motorized bi-wheeled transportation devices. The name of the club was “Hell’s Angels”. We approached the club using motorized b-wheeled transportation devices acquired from a retailer of these devices. We arrived at night and disabled the ridiculously easy security system.

When we arrived at the club meeting, we were approached by several large club members dressed in black dyed animal skins. These club members exhorted us to leave. Sub-Sergeant Amnos 2717 aggressively responded to the club members. This resulted in his being attacked by the club members. They use steel pipes and sharpened blades. We used our stun rays to contain the situation.

We evacuated Sub-Sergeant Amnos 2717, but he expired before we reached the ship.
While we were en route to LURKER7, our intelligence team discovered that clubs owe allegiance to specific manufacturer’s of these motorized bi-wheeled transportation devices. Apparently, showing up with motorized bi-wheeled transportation devices marked “Honda” at a club with motorized bi-wheeled transportation devices marked, “Harley” would cause a reaction to which we were subjected.

Although the cost was great, I am heartened by the level of division in human society. I think any invasion attempt would be met with a confused defense as they vie for a solution.
I am of course saddened by the loss of Sub-Sergeant Amnos 2717. He was a fine Security leader. Any pain that we feel is lightened by the fact he will soon be joined by his family.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sub-Admiral Garster 1291

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